Sunday, June 1, 2025
Join the Omaha Rose Society for their annual Rose Day and Show, to promote the culture and appreciation of the rose.
Gardeners from throughout the region will exhibit a variety of superb rose blooms grown in their home gardens. Guests can also explore the Robert H. Storz Family Rose Garden to see more than 200 cultivars of garden roses and visit with consulting rosarians to learn about roses and their care.
Public viewing will be from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. See a wide-variety of rose blooms on display, as well as an array of spectacular floral arrangements.
Share your love of roses- become an exhibitor!
Show the best blooms that your garden has to offer. Anyone is welcome to enter roses from their own home garden for the show. Horticultural entries will be accepted from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Entries must remain in place until the end of the show. For more information, contact Don Swanson at (402) 493-5986 or visit
Entrance to this event is included with paid garden admission. Members are admitted free. Not a member? Join today!